Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

Weltsozialforum 2009: Info des Menschenrechtstribunals für Belem.“Popular Court: The Brazilian State in Position of Defendant.“


Gathering more than 80 organizations and social movements

of all over Brazil, it took place in Sáo Paulo from the

4th until the 6th of December 2008, the ”Popular Court:

the Brazilian State in position of defendant, which had as

its main goal the judgement of the Brazilian State for its

violation of civil, political, social and economic rights of a

considerable part of brazilian society, specially the youth,

particularly if poor and black. Hundreds of people, activists

from social movements and political organizations took part

on the event and crawded the Auditorium of Largo de Sáo

Francisco Law Faculty. The organization as a whole had the

trinomial ”extermination “ torture “ imprison as a reference,

and its core was stablished to report neoliberal policies,

in a clear anticapitalist manifestation.

The State was accused of acting direct and indirectly

towards its agents ans intitutions in the practice of extermination

and mass killing, forced disappearances, turture,

brutal imprison, discrimination of indigenous and quilombolas

(descendants of black resistence agaist slavery in Brazil)

populations and enclousure and terror in suburb and poor

neighborhoods of big cities. The criminalization of social

movements, of independent trade unions, of the youth and

of the black, quilombola,indigenous population was also an

object of report and took part on the judgement of the four

Settlement Sections and on the Final Section of Judgement

and Verdict. One of its inmediate results was the strengthening

of social movements and organizations of familyrelatives

of people who were assassinated, disappeared, imprisoned or

victims of torture.

Follow the Popular Court™s next steps on the

website: www.tribunalpopular.org

Write to us to receive our information:

tribunalpopular2008@gmail.com -




Dieser Beitrag wurde am Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2009 um 16:53 Uhr veröffentlicht und wurde unter der Kategorie Kultur, Politik abgelegt. Du kannst die Kommentare zu diesen Eintrag durch den RSS-Feed verfolgen.

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