The Extraordinary Synod on the Family is meeting in Rome between October 5 and 19, 2014. Summoned by Pope Francis in October 2013, this meeting of bishops from around the world was preceded by a debate around a document on challenges to the Church, which included new family profiles. The subject will be taken up again in the Ordinary Synod in 2015.
Pope Francis recently published the Apostolic Exhortation ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ in which he shows what he is about. His prophetic voice bothered the CNN, the powerful US news agency, which gave him a ‘Paper Medal’ awarded to persons who talk nonsense in matters of economy…
What is the ‘nonsense’ presented by Pope Francis? Let the reader judge:
“Just as the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’ sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we have to say ‘thou shalt not’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills. How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion. Can we continue to stand by when food is thrown away when people are starving? This is a case of inequality.
Frei Betto beim Website-Interview im Dominikanerkloster von Sao Paulo.
There are people who are good at remembering (often slang) words and expressions which have been lost over time. Deonisio da Silva, a master of the Portuguese language, wrote the indispensable “Where do words come from” (Mandarim), revealing their etymologies, meanings and usage.
Words, like everything else, wear out eventually. They lose their quality, meaning and, therefore, usage. This is the case with right and left. In the days of world bipolarity between capitalism and socialism, they marked clear camps. Today, what does being on the right or the left mean?
Is the left in power in Brazil? Let us suppose that it is. But who are the leaders of their allied base? We all know the redundant Sarney, Collor, Renan Calheiros, Jader Barbalho, Maluf, Romero Jucá, Katia Abreu…[1]
How can a workers’ party government get along so well with the Brazilian upper class and yet maintain tense relations with social movements, such as the indigenous peoples and landless farmers?
Ausriß, brasilianisches Nachrichtenmagazin “Istoé” zur Bündnispartner-Überwachung, Friedensnobelpreisträger Barack Obama und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel.
Haddad-Siegesfeier auf der Avenida Paulista:
Fahren in Nahverkehrsbussen in Brasilien:
„Sowohl im wirtschaftlichen als auch im sozialen Bereich ist das größte Land Südamerikas zu einem Vorbild in der Region geworden. “ WeltTrends, Potsdam 2012
The recent street demonstrations in Brazil surprised the governments – municipal, state and federal. Authorities, perplexed, ask themselves: how is this possible? Who is behind this? Who is monitoring it? And they respond with the only, unfortunate lesson learned in 21 years of dictatorship: police repression.
Our authorities lock themselves in an ivory tower. As though Brazil were a planet far from this terrestrial orb where street demonstrations pop up at every corner, from Occupy Wall Street to Tahrir Square in Cairo, from the periphery of Paris to Taskim Square in Istanbul.
The question “what’s behind this?” could be answered if the government were to listen to what is evident before their eyes: the dissatisfaction of youth. The same dissatisfaction which led the generation who now hold power to participate in student demonstrations during the 1960s and in urban guerrilla during the 1970s decade.
The same dissatisfaction which mobilised workers to strike at the turn of 1970-80 and to found the Workers’ Party (PT) which has been running the country for 10 years.
The difference is that in those days the police infiltrated their agents into student groups and unions, political parties and clandestine groups and, once they received information, acted preventively. Now the mobilisation occurs through social networks which are more difficult to control (but not impossible, as Edward Snowden, the young American who revealed to the world that the American ASN invades the computers of millions of people).
I went on a literary cruise on the Rio Negro river during the first week in May. One hundred passengers filled the ship “Iberostar” to discuss literature with writers Affonso Romano de Sant’Anna, Marina Colasanti, Cadão Volpato (who launched his first novel on board – Pessoas que passam pelos sonhos [People in our dreams] published by Cosac Naify), Xico Sá and me.
Actress Clarice Niskier presented us with a dramatic reading of her next performance in “La Liste”, a monologue by Canadian author Jennifer Tremblay. The “Projeto Coisa Fina” band brightened our evenings and offered us a real concert in honour of Pernambucano musician Moacir Santos (1926-2006) who lived in the USA and whose repertoire influenced composers like Tom Jobim.
Befreiungstheologe Frei Betto in Sao Paulo.
Em 2010, o mundo foi surpreendido pela divulgação de uma série de documentos comprobatórios de que muitos governos e autoridades dizem uma coisa e fazem outra. A máscara caiu. Todos viram que o rei estava nu.
O site WikiLeaks, monitorado pelo australiano Julián Assange, publicou documentos secretos que deixaram governos e autoridades envergonhados, sem argumentos para justificar tantos abusos e imoralidades.
Maquiavel já havia afirmado, no século 16, que a política tem pelo menos duas caras. A que se expõe aos olhos do público e a que transita nos bastidores do poder.
Bush e Obama admitiam torturas no Iraque, no Afeganistão e na base naval de Guantánamo, enquanto acusavam Cuba, na Comissão de Direitos Humanos da ONU, em Genebra, de maltratar prisioneiros.
“Wikileaks expoe feridas.”(Sao Paulo)
Pope Benedict XVI is right: Marxism is no longer useful. True – Marxism as many in the Catholic Church understand it: an atheistic ideology which justified Stalin’s crimes and the barbarities of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. To accept that Marxism according to Ratzinger’s view is the same Marxism as Marx’s view would be like identifying Catholicism with the Inquisition.
Frei Betto beim Website-Interview im Dominikaner-Konvent von Sao Paulo.
“Ich befürchte, daß wie im Falle von Bin Laden ein solches Kommando in Libyen eindringt, um Gaddafi zu töten.”
Frei Betto*
Over the past few weeks the news media has registered innumerable cases of fatal traffic accidents caused by drunken drivers. They were arrested and were soon released thanks to bail. A detail: their driving licences were not apprehended. Some in fact did not even have a driving licence.
Brazil is a country of impunity. The laws are made only for the poor – who have no money to pay lawyers or bail. From the middle class up, there is not a single traffic murderer in prison. Nor anyone condemned without appeal. There are 57 deaths every day in Brazil associated with alcoholism. Therefore the question worth asking is: who’ll be the next victim?
Was heute als “Bio” gilt – Abbrennen einer Zuckerrohrplantage kurz vor der Ernte, 2011.
Mario Mantovani, Präsident der Umweltstiftung »SOS Mata Atlantica«, in Sao Paulo, zum Abfackeln der Zuckerrohrplantagen kurz vor der Ernte, was auch die Naturschutzgebiete kaputt macht. Denn das Feuer gerät außer Kontrolle, frisst sich in Schutzzonen und Wälder.
»Alle denkbaren Vorteile von Ethanol werden allein durch das Abfackeln aufgehoben. Der Ausstoß an Dioxin und klimaschädlichen Gasen ist immens. Die Gesundheitsposten bei Sao Paulo sind voll von Leuten, die schwere Atemprobleme haben, Sauerstoffbehandlungen brauchen.«
2007 löste der Dominikaner Frei Betto mit seiner provozierenden Formel »Biosprit ist Todessprit« in Europa sogar Parlamentsdebatten aus. Der viel gerühmte Öko-Treibstoff soll Armen und Hungernden rund um den Erdball den Tod bringen?
Viele hielten Frei Bettos These für überdreht, realitätsfremd. Dass viele Lebensmittel in Brasilien teurer als in Deutschland sind, unerschwinglich für Arme, wird verdrängt.
Wegen seiner vom banalen Mainstream abweichenden Position ist der befreiungstheologische Padre Haroldo Coelho aus der Erzdiözese Fortaleza derzeit Hit im brasilianischen Internet. Sein „Pech“ – er war lange vor der Intervention in Libyen, im Gegensatz zu Schwätzern, Mainstream-Nachbetern. Haroldo Coelho hatte engen Kontakt zum deutschstämmigen Kardinal Aloisio Lorscheider, Erzbischof von Fortaleza.
„Gaddafi war kein Diktator, Libyen wurde durch Komitees der Bevölkerung regiert.“
O padre cearense Haroldo Coelho, de 76 anos, disse estar „triste“ com a morte de Muammar Kadhafi. O ex-ditador líbio foi capturado e morto nesta quinta-feira (20). O religioso classificou a morte como um „assassinato“ e afirmou estar „totalmente indignado“ com as comemorações pelo mundo.
„Essa alegria, esse salto manifesta muito bem a maldade daqueles que derrubaram o Kadhafi. Você poderia até divergir. Mas comemorar não é ato cristão nem de nenhuma religião“, criticou o padre.
Além de seguir a vida religiosa, Haroldo Coelho. O padre participa ainda do chamado movimento pela democracia direta, baseado no „Livro Verde“ de Kadhafi, utilizado desde a década de 1970 como espécie de constituição do país.
Por conta dessa simpatia, o padre viajou à Líbia em julho do ano passado. O petróleo da Líbia é o mais puro do mundo. Os Estados Unidos jamais se conformaram com a nacionalização do petróleo“, disse.( O Globo)
Padre Haroldo Coelho: A situação da Líbia exige uma atenção especial, pois devemos ter em consideração a particularidade de sua História. Até a segunda guerra mundial o território da Líbia foi ocupado e explorado pelas nações estrangeiras. Só a partir 1944, O rei Idris I volta do exílio e assume o controle formal do governo. A Líbia é transformada em protetorado inglês, mas, mesmo conquistando a independência, o país não se torna independente, pois o rei Idris I não passava de um fantoche das nações estrangeiras. Com a descoberta de importantes jazidas de petróleo, em 1959, a Líbia muda totalmente de fisionomia econômica, política e social.
A revolução de 1969, liderada pelo coronel Muamar Khadafi, marcou profundamente o país. As riquezas provindas do “Ouro Negro” são aplicadas rigorosamente em beneficio do povo. A revolução garantiu as necessidades básicas humanas como a educação, cultura, saúde e emprego. Estas conquistas são intocáveis. Na Líbia não há ditadura. Constatamos pessoalmente a democracia direta. Nenhuma decisão séria em que toca a administração do país, não se concretiza sem a discussão nos comitês populares, nos seus vários níveis. Se isto não é democracia, não sei o que é democracia.
“Mataram Kadafi, mas não poderão matar jamais a luta pela liberdade e pela vida… O Império americano e os países europeus mais uma vez cometem um grande crime, não somente contra o povo líbio, mas contra a humanidade. Kadafi morre como martir”, disse para o Blog, nesta tarde de quarta-feira, o padre Haroldo Coelho, ex-militante do PT e hoje membro do PSOL cearense.
Frei Betto beim Website-Interview im Dominikaner-Konvent von Sao Paulo.
„Ich befürchte, daß wie im Falle von Bin Laden ein solches Kommando in Libyen eindringt, um Gaddafi zu töten.“
Brasiliens größte Qualitätszeitung „Folha de Sao Paulo“ im Leitartikel:““Die Bilder legen nahe, daß Gaddafi ermordet wurde“.
„Mais um vídeo indica que Kadafi pode ter sido linchado.“(Exame)