Die Killer von Kiew – das aufschlußreiche Telefongespräch westlicher Politiker. Ashton-Paet-Telefongespräch: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/05/ukraine-2014-neue-erkenntnisse-uber-killer-von-regierungsgegnern-und-polizisten-in-kiew-catherine-ashton-und-urmas-paet-uber-hintergrunde/
Die USA und die Neutralität gegenüber der Ukraine: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/10/ukraine-2014-renommierter-brasilianischer-historiker-roberto-romano-erinnert-an-fehlende-neutralitat-der-usa-gegenuber-der-ukraine-seit-jeher-niemals-respektierung-der-unkrainischen-unabhangigkei/
Former chief of Ukraine’s Security Service has confirmed allegations that snipers who killed dozens of people during the violent unrest in Kiev operated from a building controlled by the opposition on Maidan square.
Read full interview with Aleksandr Yakimenko
Shots that killed both civilians and police officers were fired from the Philharmonic Hall building in Ukraine’s capital, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine Aleksandr Yakimenko told Russia 1 channel. The building was under full control of the opposition and particularly the so-called Commandant of Maidan self-defense Andrey Parubiy who after the coup was appointed as the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Yakimenko added.
Furthermore the former security chief believes that Parubiy has been in contact with US Special Forces that could have coordinated the assault.
“Shots came from the Philharmonic Hall. Maidan Commandant Parubiy was responsible for this building. Snipers and people with automatic weapons were ‘working’ from this building on February 20. They supported the assault on the Interior Ministry forces on the ground who were already demoralized and have, in fact, fled,” Yakimenko said in an interview with Russian television.
The police officers were chased by a group of rioters armed with various weapons and at that point, Yakimenko says snipers fired at pursuers themselves.
“When the first wave of shootings ended, many have witnessed 20 people leaving the building,” former chief says, noting that they were well-equipped and were carrying military style bag for carrying sniper and assault rifles with optical sights. Not only the law enforcers, but people from the opposition’s Freedom, Right Sector, Fatherland, and Klitschko’s UDAR party have also seen this, Yakimenko claims.
The former security head also said that according to the intelligence those snipers could be foreigners, including mercenaries from former Yugoslavia as well former Special Forces employees from Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.
Yakimenko claims that Parubiy was part of a group that was heavily influenced by the people associated with the US secret services. “These were the forces that carried out everything that they were told by their leadership – the United States,” Yakimenko explained, claiming that Maidan leaders practically lived in the US embassy.
ARD-Panorama: “Welche Rolle spielen die Faschisten?”
Q: They asked you?
AY: Yes, Right Sector and Svoboda. I was ready to do that, but I needed Parubiy’s [he is now now the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine in the Turchinov-Yatsenyuk government] permission to enter Maidan. Otherwise our officers would’ve been attacked by the self-defense forces in the back. Parubiy didn’t give such permission. No weapons could be brought to Maidan without Parubiy’s permission. Hand guns, rifles, scopes – he had to agree to all of that. We had some intel about discharged Ukrainian army special forces participating in those activities. Some reports claimed that these were fighters from former Yugoslavia, as well as mercenaries from other countries.
Q: So you think they were mercenaries?
AY: No doubt. Parubiy removed himself from the picture. This affected the events of the last week. He joined Poroshenko. Gvozd, Malamuzh, and Gritsenko. These forces did what they were told by their bosses – the US. They basically lived in the embassy. They were there every day.
Q: Is it true that Nalivaichenko allowed the CIA agents to work in the Security Service building?
AY: Yes, that’s true. He also handed personal files of his own employees over to the CIA agents to study. But their mission was interrupted by an armed coup. The Maidan do not appoint these people; rather, it’s the US that does it. It’s enough to look at the newly appointed officials: Parubiy, Gvozd, Nalyvaichenko are all people who followed somebody else’s orders, the orders of the US, not even Europe. They are directly linked to the American intelligence. They sought to delay the negotiations and prevent the incumbent president from striking a deal with Russia and Russia from helping to prop up the social and economic order in Ukraine. After that they were planning to depose the president and integrate Ukraine into Europe, using Russian money. Who was troubled by the victory of the EU and the pro-integration forces? Only the US. It was the only country concerned over a possible alliance of Europe, Russia and Ukraine. The Customs Union and the connection between Russia and Ukraine did not sit well with their plans, either.
Straff gesteuerter deutscher Mainstream reagiert auf die Kritik von Scholl-Latour bisher nicht…
tags: hitlergruß von jazenjuk neben profiboxer klitschko, ukraine-kalter krieg 2014
Ausriß, Svoboda-Führer Tjagnibok.
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ARD-Panorama: “Welche Rolle spielen die Faschisten?”
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Die Finanzierung der ukrainischen Rechtsextremen: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/10/ukraine-2014-wieviele-milliarden-dollr-die-usa-bisher-fur-die-aufrustung-der-opposition-von-kiew-ausgaben-laut-britischem-guardian/
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Straff gesteuerter deutscher Mainstream reagiert auf die Kritik von Scholl-Latour bisher nicht…
“Demonstranten schießen auf dem Maidan auf Polizisten”: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/02/20/demonstranten-schiesen-auf-dem-maidan-auf-polizisten-tagesschau-2022014-spatnachmittags/
Die Killer von Kiew – das aufschlußreiche Telefongespräch westlicher Politiker. Ashton-Paet-Telefongespräch: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/05/ukraine-2014-neue-erkenntnisse-uber-killer-von-regierungsgegnern-und-polizisten-in-kiew-catherine-ashton-und-urmas-paet-uber-hintergrunde/
Die USA und die Neutralität gegenüber der Ukraine: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/10/ukraine-2014-renommierter-brasilianischer-historiker-roberto-romano-erinnert-an-fehlende-neutralitat-der-usa-gegenuber-der-ukraine-seit-jeher-niemals-respektierung-der-unkrainischen-unabhangigkei/
« Ukraine 2014: Rußland kündet Gegen-Sanktionen an. Peter Scholl-Latour über Ukraine: “Wir leben in einem Zeitalter der Massenverblödung, besonders der medialen Massenverblödung.“ Mit Nazis gegen Rußland. – Ukraine 2014: „Hitlergruß“ von Arseni Jazenjuk, Führer der Kiewer Putschregierung – „Heil Hitler“, laut Auffassung vieler deutscher Zeitungsleser. Neben Jazenjuk – Tjagnibok, Vorsitzender der faschistischen Partei „Swoboda“, laut Medieneinschätzungen, sowie Profiboxer Klitschko. ” jazenjuk, das ist doch der mit dem hitlergruss direkt neben klitschko.”(Leserbrief) Mit Nazis gegen Rußland…Merkelrede vom 13-März und aufschlußreiche Leserreaktionen…Ukraine-Texte 2014. Jazenjuk-Rücktritt 2016. »
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