Conectas-Experte Joao Paulo Charleaux vor UNO:
„As preliminary information, and I believe for surprise of many of you, let me say that in the first 3 months of 2012 Brazil is being considered the second most lethal country for reporters in the world, right after Somalia and just before Syria, according to the International News Safety Institute. Since January, we lost 3 colleagues, murdered. The country dropped 41 positions in the rank of the NGO Reporters Without Borders.“
Na ONU, Conectas denuncia situação de jornalistas latino-americanos em risco
Ameaças e assassinatos de jornalistas rompem a cadeia de respeito aos direitos humanos
Ausriß. Erschossener systemkritischer Journalist Brasiliens – 2012.
Pressefreiheit in Brasilien 2012 – UNESCO verurteilt jüngste Morde an Journalisten – Reporter ohne Grenzen stuft Brasilien auf Pressefreiheit-Index stark herab:
Menschenrechtslage in Brasilien: