Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

„UN Security Council members don’t back Odessa probe initiative“. Das Odessa-Massaker und deutsche Medien. Der Fall Krasnoarmeisk/Tagesthemen – wer lügt, wer sagt die Wahrheit? Deutsche Medienkonsumenten erinnern sich der offiziellen Lügen um den Irakkrieg(rd. 1,5 Mio Kriegstote).

UN Security Council members don’t back Odessa probe initiative


May 21, 21:24 UTC+4
At least 48 people died and 247 were injured in the clashes and the fire in the Trade Unions House in Odessa

© ITAR-TASS/Abaca Press

PACE on ‘vicious path’ turning blind eye to Ukraine developments

THE UNITED NATIONS, May 21./ITAR-TASS/. UN Security Council members have not supported Russia’s proposal to ask the secretary general of the global organization to organize an unbiased investigation of events in the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa where dozens died in early May in clashes and a fire, Russia’s ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin said Wednesday.

“Unfortunately, UN Security Council members have been unable to back our call to turn to the secretary general with a request to conduct an objective probe,” Churkin said.

Odessa saw riots on May 2, during which soccer fans who came from the city of Kharkiv, as well as Right Sector far-right ultranationalist movement militants and so-called “Maidan self-defense” representatives from Kiev organized a march along city streets.

Clashes with federalization supporters occurred during the march. Radicals set ablaze the Trade Unions House, where their opponents hid, and a tent camp where activists were collecting signatures for a referendum on Ukraine’s federalization and for the status of a state language for Russian. The attackers did not let anyone leave the burning Trade Unions House building.

Russian troops pullback from drills near Ukraine to be completed by June 1

At least 48 people died and 247 were injured in the clashes and the fire in the Trade Unions House. Another 48 people are listed as missing. Many Ukrainian politicians, including people’s deputy Oleh Tsariov and Odessa regional council deputy Vadim Savenko, say the official death count figures are understated. They assert that the death toll reached 116 but that the Kiev authorities conceal the facts.

Ukraine is in turmoil after a coup occurred in the country in February. New people were propelled to power amid riots as security concerns caused President Viktor Yanukovych to leave the country the same month.

After Crimea’s accession to Russia on March 18 following a referendum two days before, protests against the new self-proclaimed Ukrainian authorities erupted in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking southeastern territories, with demonstrators seizing some government buildings and demanding federalization.

Court places suspected shooter in Odessa riots under house arrest

Kiev has been conducting a punitive operation against pro-federalization activists.

The eastern Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk regions held referendums on May 11, in which most voters supported independence from Ukraine.

In Mariupol in the Donetsk Region in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian law enforcers opened fire from armored vehicles on participants of a rally held in honor of Victory Day on May 9 who gathered near the building of the local Interior Ministry department and who were trying to prevent its storm. Nine people died and 42 were injured.

Wie die Website “Propagandaschau” den Fall Krasnoarmeisk/Tagesthemen analysiert:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/21/ukraine-2014-der-fall-krasnoarmeisk-tagesthemen-wie-die-website-propagandaschau-analysiert/

Deutsche TV-Berichterstattung in der Woche vor den Ukraine-Wahlen – der Fall Krasnoarmeisk:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/21/ukraine-2014-aufmerksame-deutsche-medienkonsumenten-bemerken-auch-in-der-tv-ukraine-berichterstattung-immer-mehr-ungereimtheiten-besonders-vor-den-bevorstehenden-wahlen-was-soll-man-glauben-de/

Das Odessa-Massaker – Videos zeigen, daß an den Versionen deutscher Medien starke Zweifel angebracht sind. Die Sicht von Steinmeier weitab in Berlin, die Sicht von Beobachtern vor Ort…US-Söldner in der Ostukraine. **


“Bei der Katastrophe sind vor allem prorussische Demonstranten ums Leben gekommen. Sie hatten zunächst selbst proukrainische Demonstranten attackiert und mussten schließlich vor einer aufgebrachten Menge flüchten, bis sie in diesem Haus verbrannten und erstickten.” Süddeutsche Zeitung, 13.5.2014

Video vom Tathergang anklicken:  :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTx9gMHTvss


Ausriß – von aufeinander einprügelnden Gruppen ist nichts zu sehen…

US-Söldner in der Ostukraine 2014:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/14/ukraine-2014amerikanische-soldner-im-osten-der-ukraine-falls-diese-vermutung-des-bundesnachrichtendienstes-tatsachlich-wahr-sein-sollte-ware-das-ein-desaster-fur-den-westen-ein-burgerkrieg-wurde/



Zu sehen ist, wie Rechtsextremisten, Neonazis auf das Camp der antinazistischen Regierungsgegner zurennen, das Camp stürmen, zerstören, in Brand setzen. Auf diesem und anderen Videos ist keineswegs zu sehen, daß die Camp-Demonstranten etwa gegnerische Demonstranten attackierten. Vielmehr flüchteten die Camp-Demonstranten nach dem erlittenen Angriff ohne ersichtliche Gegenwehr in das Gebäude. Es waren nicht viele, die in das Gebäude flüchteten – die Angaben schwanken zwischen 50,60 und 120 – die Zahl ihrer Verfolger, der Belagerer des Gebäudes geht in die Tausende. 

Video anklicken:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef3aw6eKm6w

Rechtsextremisten und Neonazis verfolgen die Camp-Demonstranten bis in das Gebäude hinein – über einen Nebeneingang. Was taten sie mit den an Zahl völlig unterlegenen “prorussischen Demonstranten”?

Video anklicken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTblmlsUJRE



 Aus einem hoch gelegenen Blickwinkel ist ebenfalls gut zu erkennen, wer hier wen attackiert…Von “zwei aufeinander einprügelnden Gruppierungen” ist nichts zu sehen.

Wie der deutsche Bundesaußenminister Steinmeier die Odessa-Vorgänge schildert:  Beitrag von Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier zur Entwicklung in der Ukraine. Erschienen in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung vom 6. Mai 2014.


In Odessa starben am vergangenen Freitag mehr als vierzig Menschen bei dem Brand eines Hauses, in das sich eine von zwei aufeinander einprügelnden Gruppierungen geflüchtet hatte…”

Andere Videos zum Tathergang:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05yKerriSqE



Im Internet stehen zahlreiche Videos zum Odessa-Massaker zur Auswertung bereit.

Timoschenko bedankt sich nach Odessa-Massaker:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g23t857XJW0

“Der Medien-Gau”:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/06/der-medien-gau-von-odessa-der-freitag/

Steinmeier schrieb seine Schilderung in großer Entfernung von Odessa – Beobachter ganz aus der Nähe schildern die andere Sicht der Dinge:

How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House – the details of bloody scenario

 (includes English version).Note: the English version has been corrected, thanks to skydiggerpanchul???? ???????? ,Note: Great tragedy happened to the port city of Odessa at Friday, May 2nd, 2014. Supporters of federalism were chased to the Trade Unions House by Right Sector mob. The building caught fire soon afterwards, which resulted (by official reports) in 42 deaths.Originally posted by frallik at ??? ??????? ????????? ? ???? ?????????? – ?????? ????????… +18It’s clear that the number of casualties in the Trade Unions House is far greater. Provocateurs captivated people into the building where it was possible to kill them with impunity, with great relish, and without witnesses. Fire inside the building was directed in order to hide mass murdering of Ukrainian citizens.BmpRfPSCYAEOLMN
Firstly, the tents on the square were set on fire which resulted in appearance of large open fire areas close to the building. People were captivated to hide behind massive doors of the Trade Unions House. Federalism supporters had no Molotov’s cocktails prepared in advance. From where has fire inside the building appeared?
People behind the doors of the ground floor have been attacked by the Right Sector thugs who got in there long before the execution has begun. Those people were burned to the bones, first at main entrance…0_8e26a_ffcee15_XL
……Then at rest of them.

Odessa-Massaker und Manipulationstricks:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/06/ukraine-2014-weiter-manipulationstricks-um-odessa-massaker-deutsche-medien-informieren-nicht-uber-offenkundig-weit-hohere-opferzahlen-in-dem-gebaude-durch-regimeanhanger-ermordete-vergewaltigte-a/

“Der Medien-Gau von Odessa”:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/06/der-medien-gau-von-odessa-der-freitag/

Wieviele Tote bei einer völkerrechtswidrigen Aggression für NATO-Staaten offenkundig kein Problem sind: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/04/16/ukraine-2014-und-nato-mobilmachung-an-ruslands-grenze-zeitdokument-merkel-verteidigt-irak-kriegfaz-rd15-millionen-kriegstote/


Kleiner Leitfaden der Manipulationstricks von Medien und Politikern in der Ukrainekrise 2014:


Schaubühne-Regisseur Thomas Ostermeier:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2013/10/16/schaubuhne-regisseur-thomas-ostermeier-in-rio-de-janeiro-oktober-2013-wahrend-der-strasenprotesteam-schlimmsten-ist-das-die-politik-zu-etwas-verfaultem-geworden-isto-globo/

SPD-Politiker und Geheimdienstexperte Andreas von Bülow:” In den Industriestaaten, deren Bevölkerung die Komplexität der Lebensverhältnisse kaum noch durchschaut, lassen sich  mit dem Instrumentarium der manipulierten Demokratie inzwischen Ergebnisse erreichen, die denen einer Diktatur in nichts nachstehen. Mit dem fernsehträchtigen Kandidaten im Schaufenster, einer wirtschaftlich und finanziell manipulierten Presse in der Hinterhand und dem geschickten Einsatz von Brot und Spielen, heute tititainment genannt, können die phantastischsten Kombinationen erreicht werden.”

…Firefighters only appeared when massive entrance doors were burned through.144114_original
Only in a single room in a five-storey building with ceilings over 3 meters high had fire visible from outside.138801_original
Who could get onto the roof of the administrative building of nationwide significance? Perhaps those who in advance got the keys to locked steel gratings protecting the roof doors.13880a
These thugs must be found. They could tell a lot about when the murdering plan implementation has started, and how in advance they brought supplies for Molotov’s cocktails to the Trade Unions House.On the picture below stunt clowns play a role of federalism supporters. Typical Hollywood (USA/Israel)-style false flag action.45798_1000 (1)
Charred bodies on the ground floor, near the entrance doors.131
Why charred bodies appeared on higher floors where there was no open fire?102
The same bodies from other viewpoint:
– Wooden battery panel, wooden railings on the stairs and chipboard sheet don’t look burnt;
– Blue oval points to the barricade made of tables, chairs and cabinets. It hadn’t even touched by fire, unlike the charred bodies lying nearby;
– From where has the barricade appeared? It was built by the Right Sector thugs in order to lock people trying to save themselves on the above floors.133
-Female corpse was dragged across the floor space from the real place of her death. Who and why did it?133a
This man was shot in the head. Judging from clearly visible blood puddle, the murderer fired at point-blank so the bullet passed through the skull.104a
Have you noticed already that some dead people had burnt heads and shoulders only? That clothing under chest is not affected by fire? Somebody poured flammable stuff onto upper body of those people and set them ablaze. Could sunglasses stay on the face when a man tries to shake the napalm off his head? Notice that hands and wrists of those people burned to the bones, too.On this and previous pictures, a strange “whitewash” can be seen on the floor. That is the powder from extinguishers used by the punishers after people died…in order not to burn themselves or suffer from carbon monoxide.103 (2)
Young man and young woman. They have neither burned nor suffocated – there are no signs of an open fire on the hardwood floor (it seems to be made 50 years ago so it should have catch fire as a straw) and soot from the smoke on the walls. They were killed by other means. Most likely, somebody broke their necks – “professionals” entertained themselves here.68cf1421dc2
Barricades were on the other floors as well. Blood on the floor. Burnt head.The red arrow: it’s possible that the killers were “borrowing” their clothing with victims. Well known stuff, simple and effective.Note: according to one of the main versions of what happened on May 2 in Odessa, the Right Sector thugs performed a false flag operation. They put St. George’s Ribbons (symbols of anti-Maidan federalism supporters) and organized violent provocation against Maidan supporters (i.e. against their own allies), in order to later blame federalism supporters and make them look responsible for death of many people.101
Dead woman near the elevator with clothes absent below her waist. Most likely, she was raped, then doused with a flammable mixture and set aflame.106106a
People shot in the head.121
The same picture again: burnt heads, hands and shoulders, lower body untouched by fire.192192a
Man with multiple headshots.172
The scariest picture. Most likely it is a pregnant woman, who was one of the employees working on holidays, cleaning offices and watering flowers. She was strangled by an electric wire. She tried to resist – one can see discarded flower on the floor.The following video recorded how this woman cried and called for help while being murdered (”HELP ME! HELP ME!” cries start at 0:20).145631_original
…probably, that’s her killer.139
The sign of above demotivator that points on victim, murderer and the crime scene reads: “We offed Mommy! Glory to Ukraine!”. This demotivator has been joyfully posted by one of the Ukrainian “patriots”.Note: “Mommy Odessa” is an affectionate nickname for Odessa, similar to “Big Apple” for New York, or “Emerald City” for Seattle.Future mother (strangled woman) and Mommy Odessa are killed. As the whole Ukraine.On the following video, an eyewitness says about more than one hundred victims killed inside the Trade Unions House (in Russian).92eea3cb6013\p.s.http://vlad-dolohov.livejournal.com/ 876486.htmlP.S. The number of killed people can be as high as 300. Most of people, especially children and women, were hashed with axes and clubbed to death with wooden sticks in the basement of the Trade Unions House: http://vlad-dolohov.livejournal.com/ 876486.html

kategorie: politik

Ukraine 2014: “Members of two Donetsk coal mines have gone on strike”. “Der Medien-Gau von Odessa”.

dienstag, 06. mai 2014 von klaus hart   **

Tuesday, May 6

00:23 GMT:

Members of two Donetsk coal mines have gone on strike, assembling in the center of the city to protest against the authorities in Kiev, Itar-tass reports.

South Donbass No. 1 and No. 3 mines in the city of Ugledar, Donetsk region have partially seized production and are now demanding that Kiev’s military units end assaults on people in the east of the country.

Some miners have expressed their desire to join the self-defense squads to help protect Ukraine’s industrial region. Others are volunteering to help organize this week’s referendum.


Das Odessa-Massaker – vieles noch ungeklärt:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/05/das-odessa-massaker-2014-eine-website-stellt-viele-unbequeme-fragen/

Auf zahlreichen Videos vom Tag des Odessa-Massakers ist zu sehen, wie Kampfformationen des “Rechten Sektors” in der typischen, vom Maidan bekannten Kleidung, mit nazistischen Wolfsangel-Armbinden, die Attacken in der Stadt führen. 


Ausriß. Kämpfer des “Rechten Sektors”, mit der gelben Wolfsangel-Armbinde, direkt vor brennendem Gebäude von Odessa. Stands in Ihrem Lieblingsmedium?

CIA offenbar auch in Odessa dabei: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/05/05/ukraine-2014-cia-einmischung-bei-konflikt-sowie-cia-stutzung-der-faschistischen-putschregierung-kiews-erstmals-offen-eingeraumt-unterstutzung-bekommt-die-ukrainische-ubergangsregierung-einem-zeit/

Wen die Regierung in Berlin unterstützt:

Ausriß,  Svoboda-Führer Tjagnibok – Mitglied der Kiewer Putschregierung, vom Westen gemäß den Wertvorstellungen der Spitzenpolitiker entsprechend hofiert.


Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrum prangert antisemitische Svoboda-Partei der Ukraine an.

Steinmeier:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/02/20/ukraine-2014-ausenminister-steinmeier-laurent-und-sikorski-trafen-in-kiew-auch-den-chef-der-antisemitischen-partei-svoboda-oleg-tiagnibok-uber-eventuelle-distanzierungen-der-minister-ist-nichts-be/

Ungehinderte SS-Verherrlichung 2014 in der Ukraine – keinerlei Proteste etwa aus Berlin:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/04/28/ukraine-2014-der-neonazi-aufmarsch-der-ss-verherrlicher-video-anklicken-kurios-deutsche-medien-deutsche-tv-teams-erneut-nicht-vor-ort-wie-bei-vielen-derartigen-aufmarschen-zuvor/

Wertvorstellungen – Angela Merkel und Freundin Timoschenko(”Russen abschlachten”):  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/27/weiter-warten-auf-merkel-positionierung-zu-ihrer-freundin-timoschenko-bisher-nur-2-satze-armselig-oberflachliche-alibi-kritik-von-regierungssprecher-%E2%80%9Egewaltbilder-gewaltphantasien-liegen-we/

Wertvorstellungen – Angela Merkel – Zeitdokument, der Irakkrieg:   http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/04/16/ukraine-2014-und-nato-mobilmachung-an-ruslands-grenze-zeitdokument-merkel-verteidigt-irak-kriegfaz-rd15-millionen-kriegstote/

Ukrainekrise und Manipulationsmethoden 2014:



Ausriß. In Odessa feuern Nazis, wie auf Videos ausführlich zu sehen ist,  sogar tagsüber mit Pistolen auf Wahlwerbung von regimekritischen Kandidaten – deutsche Medien berichten darüber nicht. Wie würde die deutsche Öffentlichkeit auf eine solche Szene im deutschen Wahlkampf reagieren?


Warum Lula in Ländern wie Deutschland viele Sympathisanten eines bestimmten politischen Spektrums hat –  Lula war Informant der Diktatur-Geheimpolizei Dops, laut neuem Buch:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/02/12/brasilien-die-folterdiktatur-lula-und-die-arbeiterpartei-pt-rufmord-ein-kapitalverbrechen-buch557-seiten-mit-schweren-vorwurfen-gegen-lula-macht-schlagzeilen/

Angela Merkel 2008 in Brasilien – enttäuschte Erwartungen von Menschenrechtsbewegung, Kirche:   http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2008/05/16/kirchliche-menschenrechtsaktivisten-brasiliens-enttauscht-uber-angela-merkel-keine-offentliche-stellungnahme-zu-folter-und-todesschwadronen-terror-und-gewalt-gegen-umwelt-und-menschenrechtsaktivist/

“Wer nicht täuschen kann, soll nicht Politiker werden.” Konrad Adenauer, zitiert nach Weimarer Taschenbuchverlag.

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