Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

„Die Zensur gibt nie auf.“ „The censorship never gives up.“ Zensur heute – auch dank Google relativ leicht zu entdecken.

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011 von Klaus Hart

The best of non-profit advertising and marketing for social causes

The censorship never gives up

Posted by Marc | 12-05-2008 23:21 | Category: Human rights, Media


Two ads from Associação Brasileira de imprensa, the Brazilian press organisation.
Copy: “A censura nunca desiste. Ela sempre volta disfarçada. 3 de Maio Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa.”
“The censorship never gives up. It always return disguised. 3th of May, world day for the freedom of press.”

I have seen more censorship ads from Brazil in the past. What going on? Is censorship a big problem in Brazil?


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    Fotostrecken Wasserfälle Iguacu und Karneval 2008

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