Wahltag-Fotos und Videos: http://voicesevas.ru/news/yugo-vostok/6680-voyna-na-yugo-vostoke-onlayn-01112014-hronika-sobytiy.html
Steinmeier und die „Separatisten“: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/06/09/ukraine-krieg-2014-kuriose-fehleinschatzungen-von-ausenminister-steinmeierdie-wahlen-haben-doch-gezeigt-dass-die-separatisten-nur-eine-verschwindende-minderheit-sind-der-rechte-sektor-ubrigen/
Donbass self-proclaimed republics vote to elect leaders, MPs
Published time: November 02, 2014 09:30
Edited time: November 02, 2014 10:58
Polling station in Donetsk. RIA Novosti / Aleksey Kudenko
The self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk are electing their leaders and MPs. The Kiev government has started criminal proceedings against elections in the southeast despite them being sanctioned by the Minsk peace deal.
As soon as the polling stations opened at 8 am on Sunday morning, high voter activity was noted in both the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. After presenting valid, local registration, voters get two ballots: one for the parliamentary election and one to vote for the future leaders of the republics.
There are over 360 polling stations in Donetsk, where potentially more than three million voters can cast their votes. Armed militia members are guarding each polling station. In the Lugansk People’s Republic, there are 102 polling stations for approximately 1.5 million voters.
The area in Donetsk where the Central Election Committee is situated is being heavily guarded, with all surrounding streets cordoned off.
Lugansk has seen queues at some polling stations, as large number of voters came to cast their votes early in the morning.
Voting in Lugansk People’s Republic. RIA Novosti / Valery Melnikov
“Our opinion was simply ignored [by Kiev authorities] when we took part in the [independence] referendum [in May], now it’s time to take the people’s will into account; that’s why I have come today to cast my vote,” one voter in Donetsk told the Itar-Tass news agency.
Wer ist Präsident der Ukraine?
Wen Milliardär Poroschenko finanzierte:
Ausriß – Wolfsangel-Armbinde.
Das Odessa-Massaker – wie es der ukrainische Politiker Jazenjuk erklärt:
Laut Kiewer Putschregierung steckt Rußland hinter dem Odessa-Massaker.
Jazenjuk in der Tagesschau:”Das war eine gutgeplante russische Kommandoaktion. Guttrainierte Agenten lösen den Konflikt aus und verschwinden dann schnell wieder.”
Deutsche Korrespondenten bitten Jazenjuk nicht um Beweise für seine schweren Beschuldigungen, was Bände spricht.
“Der ukrainische Übergangs-Ministerpräsident Arsenij Jazenjuk hat schwere Vorwürfe gegen Russland erhoben. Moskau stecke hinter den Zusammenstößen von Odessa, bei denen am Freitag viele Menschen ums Leben kamen.” Deutschlandfunk
”Russland hat Leute hierher geschickt, um für Chaos zu sorgen”, sagte er weiter.”
„Jazenjuk, früher Teil der Führung der Vaterlandspartei um Julia Timoschenko, hatte im September eine eigene Partei gegründet. Die holte nun aus dem Stand 21 Prozent.“ Die Zeit über Ukraine-Oktoberwahlen
Joachim Gauck und Timoschenko(„Russen abschlachten“): http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/25/das-timoschenko-video-wie-sich-joachim-gauck-und-guido-westerwelle-fur-timoschenko-einsetzten-fur-verfolgte-brasilianische-burgerrechtler-indessen-nicht/
Geschichtsbewußtsein in Rußland: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/06/07/rusland-geschichtsbewustsein-rund-30000-russen-2014-in-sankt-petersburg-mit-fotos-von-angehorigen-die-gegen-den-hitlerfaschismus-kampften-die-darstellung-des-zweiten-weltkrieges-in-aktuellen-buche/
In Russia’s neighboring Belgorod, Rostov and Voronezh regions, where thousands of refugees from Donetsk and Lugansk are currently living, polling stations have also been set up.
Observers from a number of countries, including France, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Great Britain and others are monitoring the elections. However, observers from the OSCE are not attending.
In Donetsk, there are three candidates for leader, including acting Prime Minister Aleksandr Zakharchenko. He was among the very first to cast his vote, and he told journalists that after the election Kiev would have to deal with the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic as equal.
Prime Minister of Donetsk People’s Republic, Aleksandr Zakharchenko, casting his vote. RIA Novosti / Aleksey Kudenko
Instead, Kiev has announced it has begun a criminal prosecution against election organizers in Donetsk and Lugansk, despite the fact that peace agreements reached in Minsk in September between the Ukrainian authorities and the self-proclaimed republics specifically outlined the necessity of conducting early elections.
PM Aleksandr Zakharchenko has promised to launch criminal proceedings against Kiev in a tit-for-tat measure.
“If the Security Service of Ukraine launches a criminal investigation into elections in Donetsk People’s Republic, then we will start criminal prosecution against Kiev on a charge of genocide,” Zakharchenko told the Russian News Service.
“Since we’re not afraid of them shelling us, then their prosecution is not a big deal either,” he said, stressing that the people of the republic have made their choice and are not going to change it.
The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier pointed out that the Minsk peace agreements established in early September that elections in both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed republics should be conducted between October 19 and November 3. Kiev authorities conducted parliamentary elections a week ago, on October 26. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s order from October 16 setting the date of elections in the self-proclaimed republics for December 7 “contradicts the Minsk agreements,” said the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Early last week, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview to Izvestia daily and Lifenews that Moscow will recognize the results of the elections in Ukraine’s self-proclaimed republics.
“The elections taking place on November 2 in Donetsk and Lugansk are very important for the legitimization of their authority,” Lavrov said, noting that such elections are an important constituent of the Minsk peace agreements between Kiev and the self-proclaimed republics.
“We expect elections to take place as previously agreed,” Lavrov said, “and, naturally, we will recognize the results. We look forward to the free expression of the will of the people and that no external forces will try to disrupt them,” Russia’s foreign minister added.
Moskau 2014 – Menschen, Gesichter:
Wen die Sanktionen treffen sollen, Erinnerungen an die Methoden des Kalten Krieges vor 1990 – Gesichter in Moskau:
“Russen an den Galgen”: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/20/ukraine-2014-was-im-deutschen-mainstream-fehlt-schulkinder-schreien-russen-an-den-galgen-video-anklicken/
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