Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

„Kiev backpedals on referendums after deadline to stop protest expires“. „Alfa anti-riot police refuses to storm protesters-occupied buildings in Eastern Ukraine“. „Proteste in Ostukraine: Sondereinheit Alfa verweigert Befehl zum Sturm“. Putin-Botschaft an westliche Länder im Wortlaut(englisch)




Leserbrief:  oweiowei

Eigene Zerstörer hinschicken und die Luftwaffe in den Baltischen Ländern mit Nato Fliegern verstärken, aber von den Russen verlangen abzuziehen….gähhhnnnn

US-Zerstörer „Donald Cook“ ins Schwarze Meer eingelaufen – Erinnerungen an die Tricks der USA im Golf von Tonkin:



Als Tonkin-Zwischenfall (auch Tongking-Zwischenfall) bezeichnet man die Ereignisse am 2. und 4. August 1964 im Golf von Tonkin vor der Küste Nordvietnams, bei denen nordvietnamesische Schnellboote angeblich zwei Kriegsschiffe der US-Marine mehrmals ohne Anlass beschossen haben sollen. Mit diesem „Zwischenfall“ begründete die US-Regierung unter Präsident Lyndon B. Johnson ihre Tonkin-Resolution, die das direkte Eingreifen der USA in den seit 1956 laufenden Vietnamkrieg forderte und nach ihrer Annahme im US-Kongress von 1965 an legalisierte.

1971 gab der Pentagon-Mitarbeiter Daniel Ellsberg die von ihm mitverfassten „Pentagon-Papiere“ an US-Medien und deckte durch sie die amtliche Darstellung des Zwischenfalls als bewusste Falschinformation auf. Er trug damit zur Rücknahme der Tonkin-Resolution im US-Kongress bei, löste aber auch die illegale Überwachung von Vertretern der Demokratischen Partei und in deren Folge die Watergate-Affäre aus.

Am 30. November 2005 vom US-Geheimdienst NSA freigegebene Dokumente bestätigten nochmals, dass der an US-Präsident Johnson gemeldete Angriff Nordvietnams durch einseitige Auswahl von Funkmeldungen suggeriert, also gezielt vorgetäuscht worden war. Wikipedia

NATO-Generalsekretär Rasmussen:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/04/11/nato-generalsekretar-rasmussen-schweigt-zu-den-rd-15-millionen-kriegstoten-der-volkerrechtswidrigen-aggression-von-nato-staaten-gegen-den-irak-attacken-von-nato-staaten-gegen-jugoslawien-irak-lib/

Hitlergruß von Arseni Jazenjuk – für den Europarat, für Merkel, Obama, Rasmussen keinerlei Problem, ganz im Gegenteil…  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/13/ukraine-2014-hitlergrus-von-jazenjuk-fuhrer-der-kiewer-putschregierung-laut-auffassung-vieler-deutscher-zeitungsleser-neben-jazenjuk-tjagnibok-vorsitzender-der-faschistischen-partei-%E2%80%9E/

DEr aktuelle Ministerpräsident der Ukraine Jazenjuk beim Hitlergruß

Ausriß. Hitlergruß von “Ministerpräsident” Arseni Jazenjuk, starker Mann der “Demokratiebewegung”(westliche Sicht) – prompt von Friedensnobelpreisträger Barack Obama im Weißen Haus empfangen. 

President Vladimir Putin’s letter to leaders of European countries. Full text


April 10, 18:38 UTC+4
The text of the letter was obtained by ITAR-TASS on April 10

© ITAR-TASS/Alexei Druzhinin

Ukraine’s economy in the past several months has been plummeting. Its industrial and construction sectors have also been declining sharply. Its budget deficit is mounting. The condition of its currency system is becoming more and more deplorable. The negative trade balance is accompanied by the flight of capital from the country. Ukraine’s economy is steadfastly heading towards a default, a halt in production and skyrocketing unemployment.

Russia and the EU member states are Ukraine’s major trading partners. Proceeding from this, at the Russia-EU Summit at the end of January, we came to an agreement with our European partners to hold consultations on the subject of developing Ukraine’s economy, bearing in mind the interests of Ukraine and our countries while forming integration alliances with Ukraine’s participation. However, all attempts on Russia’s part to begin real consultations failed to produce any results.

Instead of consultations, we hear appeals to lower contractual prices on Russian natural gas – prices which are allegedly of a “political” nature. One gets the impression that the European partners want to unilaterally blame Russia for the consequences of Ukraine’s economic crisis.

Right from day one of Ukraine’s existence as an independent state, Russia has supported the stability of the Ukrainian economy by supplying it with natural gas at cut-rate prices. In January 2009, with the participation of the then-premier Yulia Tymoshenko, a purchase-and-sale contract on supplying natural gas for the period of 2009-2019 was signed. The contract regulated questions concerning the delivery of and payment for the product, and it also provided guarantees for its uninterrupted transit through the territory of Ukraine. What is more, Russia has been fulfilling the contract according to the letter and spirit of the document. Incidentally, Ukrainian Minister of Fuel and Energy at that time was Yuriy Prodan, who today holds a similar post in Kiev’s government.

INFOGRAPHICSRussian gas in Europe

One-third of gas consumed in EU comes from Russia. Infographics ITAR-TASS

The total volume of natural gas delivered to Ukraine, as stipulated in the contract during the period of 2009-2014 (first quarter), stands at 147.2 billion cubic meters. Here, I would like to emphasize that the price formula that had been set down in the contract had NOT been altered since that moment. And Ukraine, right up till August 2013, made regular payments for the natural gas in accordance with that formula.

However, the fact that after signing that contract, Russia granted Ukraine a whole string of unprecedented privileges and discounts on the price of natural gas, is quite another matter. This applies to the discount stemming from the 2010 Kharkiv Agreement, which was provided as advance payment for the future lease payments for the presence of the (Russian) Black Sea Fleet after 2017. This also refers to discounts on the prices for natural gas purchased by Ukraine’s chemical companies. This also concerns the discount granted in December 2013 for the duration of three months due to the critical state of Ukraine’s economy. Beginning with 2009,the total sum of these discounts stands at 17 billion US dollars. To this, we should add another 18.4 billion US dollars incurred by the Ukrainian side as a minimal take-or-pay fine.

In this manner, during the past four years, Russia has been subsidizing Ukraine’s economy by offering slashed natural gas prices worth 35.4 billion US dollars. In addition, in December 2013, Russia granted Ukraine a loan of 3 billion US dollars. These very significant sums were directed towards maintaining the stability and creditability of the Ukrainian economy and preservation of jobs. No other country provided such support except Russia.

Ukraine’s stored natural gas enough for one month – minister

What about the European partners? Instead of offering Ukraine real support, there is talk about a declaration of intent. There are only promises that are not backed by any real actions. The European Union is using Ukraine’s economy as a source of raw foodstuffs, metal and mineral resources, and at the same time, as a market for selling its highly-processed ready-made commodities (machine engineering and chemicals), thereby creating a deficit in Ukraine’s trade balance amounting to more than 10 billion US dollars. This comes to almost two-thirds of Ukraine’s overall deficit for 2013.

To a large extent, the crisis in Ukraine’s economy has been precipitated by the unbalanced trade with the EU member states, and this, in turn has had a sharply negative impact on Ukraine’s fulfillment of its contractual obligations to pay for deliveries of natural gas supplied by Russia. Gazprom neither has intentions except for those stipulated in the 2009 contract nor plans to set any additional conditions. This also concerns the contractual price for natural gas, which is calculated in strict accordance with the agreed formula. However, Russia cannot and should not unilaterally bear the burden of supporting Ukraine’s economy by way of providing discounts and forgiving debts, and in fact, using these subsidies to cover Ukraine’s deficit in its trade with the EU member states.

Gas pipelines in Ukraine (archive)

Putin says situation around Russia-Ukraine energy cooperation complicated

The debt of NAK Naftogaz Ukraine for delivered gas has been growing monthly this year. In November-December 2013 this debt stood at 1.451,5 billion US dollars; in February 2014 it increased by a further 260.3 million and in March by another 526.1 million US dollars. Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in March there was still a discount price applied, i.e., 268.5 US dollars per 1,000 cubic meters of gas. And even at that price, Ukraine did not pay a single dollar.

In such conditions, in accordance with Articles 5.15, 5.8 and 5.3 of the contract, Gazprom is compelled to switch over to advance payment for gas delivery, and in the event of further violation of the conditions of payment, will completely or partially cease gas deliveries. In other words, only the volume of natural gas will be delivered to Ukraine as was paid for one month in advance of delivery.

Undoubtedly, this is an extreme measure. We fully realize that this increases the risk of siphoning off natural gas passing through Ukraine’s territory and heading to European consumers. We also realize that this may make it difficult for Ukraine to accumulate sufficient gas reserves for use in the autumn and winter period. In order to guarantee uninterrupted transit, it will be necessary, in the nearest future, to supply 11.5 billion cubic meters of gas that will be pumped into Ukraine’s underground storage facilities, and this will require a payment of about 5 billion US dollars.

However, the fact that our European partners have unilaterally withdrawn from the concerted efforts to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and even from holding consultations with the Russian side, leaves Russia no alternative.

Missile cruiser Moskva of the Russian Black Sea Fleet (archive)

Ukraine’s debt to Russia stands at $10 billion after severing Black Sea Fleet agreements

There can be only one way out of the situation that has developed. We believe it is vital to hold, without delay, consultations at the level of ministers of economics, finances and energy in order to work out concerted actions to stabilize Ukraine’s economy and to ensure delivery and transit of Russian natural gas in accordance with the terms and conditions set down in the contract. We must lose no time in beginning to coordinate concrete steps. It is towards this end that we appeal to our European partners.

It goes without saying that Russia is prepared to participate in the effort to stabilize and restore Ukraine’s economy. However, not in a unilateral way, but on equal conditions with our European partners. It is also essential to take into account the actual investments, contributions and expenditures that Russia has shouldered by itself alone for such a long time in supporting Ukraine. As we see it, only such an approach would be fair and balanced, and only such an approach can lead to success.

Wie Deutsche auf den Absturz der Medienqualität reagieren:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/04/09/ukraine-2014-wie-deutsche-medienkonsumenten-in-leserbriefen-auf-den-fatalen-absturz-deutscher-medienqualitat-reagieren/

Ein herzliches Dankeschön

an die Journalisten und Redaktionen der ÖR! Die seit Monaten praktizierte Art der Berichterstattung zwang mich – als bisher eher “passive Nachrichten-Konsumentin” – dazu, selbst intensiv zu recherchieren, um einen Hauch von Objektivität in der Betrachtung der Geschehnisse in der Ukraine zu erhalten. Zuerst fühlte ich mich beleidigt, dass mir solch fade Kost von den ÖR vorgesetzt wurde – mittlerweile bin ich davon überzeugt, dass hinter diesem praktizierten Anti-Journalismus wohl der GEZ-finanzierte Bildungsauftrag versteckt sein muss ;) Die eigene Recherche ist zwar sehr zeitintensiv-hat sich aber voll gelohnt (tolle Webseiten, freie Journalisten, Kommentatoren … gefunden) Danke liebe TS – nur die Sache mit der Verharmlosung der Nazis nehme ich euch wirklich übel !!!

Merkel-Timoschenko – weiter warten:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/27/weiter-warten-auf-merkel-positionierung-zu-ihrer-freundin-timoschenko-bisher-nur-2-satze-armselig-oberflachliche-alibi-kritik-von-regierungssprecher-%E2%80%9Egewaltbilder-gewaltphantasien-liegen-we/


„Man muß die Kalaschnikow nehmen und alle Russen platt machen“ – Merkel-Freundin Timoschenko:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/03/25/timoschenkoman-mus-die-kalaschnikov-nehmen-und-alle-russen-plattmachen-welche-hochrangigen-mitteleuropaischen-politiker-ein-enges-verhaltnis-zu-timoschenko-suchten-offenbar-ihre-allseits-bekann/

Rechtsexperte Reinhard Merkel zu Ukraine-Krise:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/04/08/ukraine-2014-klarstellungen-des-hamburger-rechtsexperten-reinhard-merkel-in-der-faz-wonach-rusland-die-krim-nicht-annektiert-habe-das-referendum-auf-der-krim-sowie-die-abspaltung-von-der-ukraine-ni/

Hat Russland die Krim annektiert? Nein. Waren das Referendum auf der Krim und deren Abspaltung von der Ukraine völkerrechtswidrig? Nein. Waren sie also rechtens? Nein; sie verstießen gegen die ukrainische Verfassung (aber das ist keine Frage des Völkerrechts). Hätte aber Russland wegen dieser Verfassungswidrigkeit den Beitritt der Krim nicht ablehnen müssen? Nein; die ukrainische Verfassung bindet Russland nicht. War dessen Handeln also völkerrechtsgemäß? Nein; jedenfalls seine militärische Präsenz auf der Krim außerhalb seiner Pachtgebiete dort war völkerrechtswidrig. Folgt daraus nicht, dass die von dieser Militärpräsenz erst möglich gemachte Abspaltung der Krim null und nichtig war und somit deren nachfolgender Beitritt zu Russland doch nichts anderes als eine maskierte Annexion? Nein…FAZ

Was auf der Krim stattgefunden hat, war etwas anderes: eine Sezession, die Erklärung der staatlichen Unabhängigkeit, bestätigt von einem Referendum, das die Abspaltung von der Ukraine billigte. Ihm folgte der Antrag auf Beitritt zur Russischen Föderation, den Moskau annahm. Sezession, Referendum und Beitritt schließen eine Annexion aus, und zwar selbst dann, wenn alle drei völkerrechtswidrig gewesen sein sollten.”

Dieser Beitrag wurde am Freitag, 11. April 2014 um 14:14 Uhr veröffentlicht und wurde unter der Kategorie Politik abgelegt. Du kannst die Kommentare zu diesen Eintrag durch den RSS-Feed verfolgen.

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